Author: adminDRTV

  • Stroke Risk Increases From Stenting in Older Patients

    Stroke Risk Increases From Stenting in Older Patients

    Vascular surgery appears to be safer than stenting for patients over 70 years of age with carotid stenosis, or a blockage of the carotid arteries in the neck, according to new findings published today in the Lancet. The international study, led by investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, looked at the two standard…

  • Colon Cancer Awareness Month: What to Know about Getting Tested

    Colon Cancer Awareness Month: What to Know about Getting Tested

    March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, and the perfect time to think about colon health. Unfortunately, less than half of people aged 50 and older get tested for colon cancer. But early detection can save lives. Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in the…

  • Couch Potatoes May Have Smaller Brains Later in Life

    Couch Potatoes May Have Smaller Brains Later in Life

    Poor physical fitness in middle age may be linked to a smaller brain size 20 years later, according to a study published in the February 10, 2016, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. “We found a direct correlation in our study between poor fitness and brain volume decades…

  • Figuring Out Why Artificial Joints Fail

    Figuring Out Why Artificial Joints Fail

    Nothing lasts forever, including artificial joints. Failing prosthetic joint replacements are a potential serious health problem for the more than 7 million Americans living with an artificial knee or hip. That number is increasing rapidly every year, too. “Adults are living longer, and many are maintaining a very active lifestyle, creating the need for long-lasting…

  • Allergy Shots Effective for Baby Boomers Suffering From Seasonal Allergies

    Allergy Shots Effective for Baby Boomers Suffering From Seasonal Allergies

    Recent years have seen an increase in those suffering from allergies, including baby boomers. And because older people tend to have additional chronic diseases, diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) can be a challenge. A new study shows immunotherapy (allergy shots) reduced symptoms by 55 percent after three years of therapy, and decreased…

  • March is National Nutrition Month: Develop Better Eating Habits

    March is National Nutrition Month: Develop Better Eating Habits

    Have your healthy New Year’s habits already begun to fade? Recharge your resolutions in March during National Nutrition Month and remember the importance of developing and following sound eating habits. The 2016 National Nutrition Month theme, “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right,” encourages you to take time to enjoy food traditions and appreciate the pleasures,…

  • Chest Discomfort, Feeling Extra Tired? When to Get Help

    Chest Discomfort, Feeling Extra Tired? When to Get Help

    Are you experiencing heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue and discomfort around your heart? You could be experiencing atrial fibrillation (AF or AFib), the most common heart rhythm disorder. Recognizing signs and symptoms is essential to early diagnosis and effective treatment. Affecting about three million Americans, AF is a rapid heartbeat, which can lead to…

  • Flu Tackles Super Bowl Fans

    Flu Tackles Super Bowl Fans

    If you’re a fan of the Panthers or Broncos, be sure to wash your hands on Super Bowl Sunday before you give a friend a celebratory fist bump. A Cornell University economist and his colleagues have found the geographical areas that have an NFL team advance to the Super Bowl had an 18 percent spike…

  • 4 Tips to Live Better in Retirement

    4 Tips to Live Better in Retirement

    The conceptions and realities of retirement have changed a great deal over the past several decades, giving many seniors misgivings about the future. But your golden years can be happy, healthy and productive, say experts. “For many individuals, confusion, fear and an overwhelming sense of powerlessness accompany the prospect of growing old in America. The…

  • African Ancestry Predicts Lung Function in Minority Youth with Asthma

    African Ancestry Predicts Lung Function in Minority Youth with Asthma

    African ancestry was a significant predictor of lung function said researchers who also found that small particles from smoke and exhaust (PM2.5), the most common cause of health problems from air pollution, were associated with reduced lung function in a nation-wide study of African American and Latino children with asthma. According to research findings published…